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Question & Answer


Some tips to make your donation!

Blockchain & Web3?

Web3 technology plays a pivotal role for our innovation by enabling the creation of decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs) specifically tailored for charitable purposes. These DAOs leverage smart contracts to automate the allocation and distribution of funds, reducing administrative overhead and ensuring efficient resource utilisation.

The decentralised nature of Web3 allows for global participation, overcoming traditional constraints associated with cross-border transactions and facilitating rapid response to humanitarian crises.


Smart Contracts

Engagement with Donors



Data Security






FAQs: Blockchain
What's Blockchain?

A blockchain is a continuously updated digital ledger of transactions, encrypted into 'blocks' that are connected to form a chain. It is a type of distributed ledger technology (DLT) that is decentralised and managed by a peer-to-peer network. Through a consensus mechanism, network participants agree on the validity of transactions, ensuring a high level of security and trust. This technology is best known for its crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, as it maintains a secure and decentralised register of transactions.

How does Blockchain work?

Each computer in the network maintains a copy of the ledger and all copies are updated and validated simultaneously, avoiding a single point of failure. The blocks are linked via cryptographic hashes, creating a secure and tamper-resistant transaction ledger.

What distinguishes
the Blockchain?

Key features include decentralisation (meaning no single entity is in control), consensus mechanisms for transaction agreement, immutability to prevent retroactive alterations, and transparency, which allows all participants to view transaction history. By making data immutable and reducing the need for trusted third parties, these qualities make blockchain ideal for improving security and transparency in any industry.

La blockchain è solo per i settori tecnologici?

Blockchain's applications are diverse and adaptable, extending beyond cryptocurrencies to traditional sectors such as finance, healthcare, logistics and others. In healthcare, for example, it can improve payment processing, electronic health records and data security. In law enforcement and public administration, it can provide an immutable and transparent system of record for evidence, ensure data integrity and improve the traceability of digital assets and transactions. In addition, blockchain is used for money transfer, smart contracts, the Internet of Things, personal identity security, logistics and public administration. The technology's key features, including decentralisation, transparency, immutability and automation, can be applied to different sectors, creating a multitude of use cases.


Donor Involvement

Tracking Donations

Transparency &


Proof of Donation and Ownership


NFTs are often wrongly considered as mere speculative items. This type of use led to the explosion of the NFT bubble between 2021 and 2022, bringing a wave of distrust towards the NFTs and the technology that underpin them. However, as demonstrated by Stereotypes Crew, NFT can be used for a wide range of purposes, such as certification of donations in the context of charity.

What's NFTs?

NFT è l'acronimo di Non-Fungible Token, dove fungibile significa che qualcosa può essere scambiato con qualcos'altro dello stesso valore. Si tratta di un bene digitale unico che rappresenta la proprietà o la prova di autenticità di uno specifico oggetto o contenuto. A differenza delle criptovalute come Bitcoin o Ethereum, i NFT non sono fungibili e indivisibili, il che significa che non possono essere scambiati uno a uno. La blockchain garantisce la scarsità e l'unicità di ogni NFT, impedendo duplicazioni o frodi. Gli artisti e i creatori coniano gli NFT, creando essenzialmente un certificato digitale di proprietà per il loro lavoro. Gli acquirenti possono quindi acquistare e possedere questi NFT, con i dettagli della proprietà registrati sulla blockchain.

What types of digital assets can be represented by NFT?

NFTs can represent a wide range of digital or digitized assets, including digital art, music, video, virtual real estate, and other forms of digital content. In essence, any unique digital object that can be tokenized and authenticated can become an NFT.

Are there copyright implications with NFTs?

Although NFTs themselves represent ownership of digital assets, copyright and intellectual property rights still apply to the underlying content. Artists and creators retain copyright in their works, and the sale of an NFT does not transfer these rights unless explicitly stated. This means that they can sell the NFT or trade it with others, but they do not have the right to reproduce, distribute, or create derivative works from the underlying asset without the permission of the copyright owner. It is essential that both creators and buyers are aware of the terms and conditions surrounding the use and ownership of the digital content represented by the NFT.

Cos'è una donazione NFT?


Stable Coin

Stable Coins are cryptocurrencies designed to maintain a stable value by linking them to a certain asset, such as the value of the US dollar, euro or gold. 

Stereotypes Crew's innovation lies in creating a broader financial environment conducive to charitable giving. In this process, stable currencies are a central element of our strategy because of their potential to offer greater stability and reduced risk for donors, making transactions more efficient.


Price Stability

Risk Reduction for Donors

Cutting Transaction Costs

Simplified Access to the Crypto Ecosystem

Payment Methods

At Stereotypes Crew, we are committed to providing our users with a seamless and inclusive shopping experience. To make purchasing NFT convenient and affordable, we support a variety of payment methods. Currently, users can purchase NFT on our platform using the following payment options.


We accept crypto payments exclusively in USD Coin, a stable digital currency paired with the value of the US dollar. USDCs can be purchased by credit card or traded on online exchange platforms such as Binance...


This allows users unfamiliar with cryptocurrencies to participate in the exciting world of digital assets.


For users who prefer traditional banking methods, we offer the option of making purchases via wire transfer. This provides an additional level of flexibility for those who wish to engage with NFT using more traditional financial channels.

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